Why First Aid Kits?

Over the past decade, the amount of awareness regarding First Aid procedures has greatly increased in the US. However, over 44% of Americans do not own a First Aid Kit. Thousands of people die each year from emergencies where first aid, including the utilization of a first aid kit, could have saved them. Examples include:

  • More than 10,000 Americans that die each year from burn-related infections that could have been treated with First Aid

  • Accidental injury, which is the leading cause of death from ages 1-45, that could have been treated with First Aid

First Aid Kits are incredibly effective in emergency situations and benefit those who utilize them in three ways:

  1. First Aid Kits increase the chance of survival in emergency situations

  2. First Aid Kits reduce the risk of permanent disability

  3. First Aid Kits reduce the need for hospital or emergency department visits

Delaware County is projected to become one of the most developed counties in Ohio over the next several years. However, these developments have caused the cost of living to increase drastically, forcing many families and individuals to make difficult decisions, like whether to prioritize food or housing. Many of these people are unable to afford a First Aid Kit. In fact, a disproportionate number of people who need First Aid Kits most do not have them or have access to them. As the pandemic continues and winter approaches, members of the Delaware community are more likely to find themselves in emergency situations that require First Aid, especially those struggling to afford adequate food and housing. Our mission is to provide updated, easy-to-use First Aid Kits to those in need in the Delaware community.


Locations for First Aid Kit Distribution